What is Chronic Conditions Self-Management?
This researched and proven program is designed to help you manage your health. With mutual support in weekly workshops, you can build confidence to set your own goals and put new problem-solving skills to work in your own life. Adults who have health problems and family members caring for loved ones with chronic conditions are encouraged to attend!
These small group workshops are led by two trained facilitators and meet for 2½ hours once a week for six weeks. The workshop does not replace existing treatments but serves to complement a participant’s current medical plan.

What topics are covered?

  • What is Self-Management?
    • Problem-Solving
    • Setting Short-Term Goals
    • Healthy Eating
    • Pain Management
    • Stress and Depression Management
    • Using your Mind to Manage Symptoms
    • Planning for the Future
    • Relaxation Techniques
    • Managing Difficult Emotions
    • Partnering with your Health Provider
    • Communication Skills
    • Making Decisions
    • Medication Usage

Who can attend?

This interactive and participatory program is for adults who are living with a chronic disease. Examples of a chronic condition include (but are not limited to) hypertension, arthritis, chronic pain, COPD, congestive health failure, diabetes, kidney disease and/or any other condition that affects one’s quality of life. Caregivers and family members are welcome at the workshops and are encouraged to participate as well.

Does the program replace existing programs and treatments?

The program does not replace existing programs or treatment. In fact, the classes enhance those provided through accredited programs often provided in hospital settings. Treatment is not altered. For medical questions, participants are referred to their physicians. If the content of the course conflicts with instructions they receive elsewhere, they are advised to follow their physicians’ orders and discuss discrepancies with their doctor.

What can I expect from the class?

The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program was written and researched by Stanford University and is now part of the Self Management Resource Center.

Outcomes of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program include improved health literacy, patient activation for self-management, increased physical activity, and improvement in: depression, unhealthy physical days, medication compliance, better health outcomes (reduced fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, stress, and sleep problems), fewer sick days, and reduced Emergency Department and hospitalization.

Details of the program

Different subject matters are taught over the course of 6 weekly, 2 ½ hour sessions all focused to help each participant cope with their chronic disease. Physicians and other health professionals at Stanford University have reviewed all materials in the course. Workshops are led by two trained lay leaders and are held virtually or in community settings (libraries, community centers, churches, housing units, etc.) for 10-16 individuals. Textbooks are provided for each participant to use as a resource throughout the workshop (voluntary donations are accepted, up to $25 – the cost of the book and relaxation CD). Participants are encouraged to attend all 6 sessions. Participants enjoy sharing experiences and provide mutual support to each other.

Call 410-386-3800 or email LivingHealthy@carrollcountymd.gov for more information!