Basic Legislative Authority 

The Alcoholic Beverages Articles of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition as Amended) Section 16-102 through 16-301, sets out the establishment, scope, and authority of the Board of License Commissioners.

Power and Duties 
The Board of License Commissioners regulates and controls all matters pertaining to alcoholic beverages in Carroll County.  The members of the Board are civil officers for Carroll County.  The Board passes on and issues licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages; processes renewal and transfer of licenses; revokes or suspends licenses for any cause which, in the judgment of the Board, shall be necessary to promote peace or safety of the com­munity; and inspects all licensed premises for operation, general conduct and compliance with statutes.

Organizational Structure and Meeting Requirements

The Board has three members who are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County.  The Chairman of such Board also is designated by the Board of County Commissioners.  The Board meets at least once a month.  Each term they serve shall be for three years.


Mr. George D. Barnhart                                           
Mr. David L. Brauning, Sr., Chairman                      
Ms. Christina F. Mawhinney                                   
Ms. Brooke Hagerty ~ Alternate                    

Ms. Jo Vance
Mr. Keith Benfer, Inspector
Jim Pullen, Inspector

Ms. Jo Vance
Carroll County Administrative Hearings
410-386-2094 (Office)

Liquor Board Functions
The Liquor Board typically meets twelve (12) times per year. Meetings are set for the second Wednesday of every month in Room 003 of the Carroll County Office Building. The Board issues all liquor licenses in Carroll County approves transfers of licenses, issues "one-day" liquor licenses for non-profit organizations and renews all liquor licenses on an annual basis (March 1 - March 3l). In addition, the Board holds hearings on violations of the Alcoholic Beverages Articles of the Annotated Code of Maryland or the Carroll County Liquor Board Rules and Regulations. The Board can impose monetary penalties, suspend licenses or revoke licenses upon a finding of licensee misconduct. The Board employs one full-time and one part-time inspector to conduct investigations of license holders and applicants for licenses and to assist in the enforcement and administration of the liquor laws and local rules. 

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