Diabetes Self-Management Program

Tuesdays, 9- 11:30pm, May 21, 2024 - June 25, 2024

A community-based workshop to help people manage their diabetes. This workshop is recommended for adults who have Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. This interactive workshop is designed to improve individual’s A1C’s and reduce the complications associated with diabetes.


What topics are covered?


What is Diabetes?

Monitoring your Blood Sugar

Healthy Eating (how to balance carbohydrates, proteins and fats)

Menu Planning

Dealing with Stress

Appropriate Exercise and Diabetes

Hypoglycemia / Hyperglycemia

Preventing or Delaying Complications

Dealing with Depression

Relaxation Skills

Communication with your Health Care Provider

Decision Making

Action Planning and Problem Solving


Who can attend?


This interactive and participatory program is for adults who are living with diabetes. This workshop is recommended for people who are managing Type 2 Diabetes or are pre-Diabetic. The content of this program is based on focus groups with diabetes educators and people with diabetes and meets the content standards of both the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Diabetes Educators.


Adult-age caregivers, family members, and other members of a support team are highly encouraged to attend.


Does the program replace existing programs or treatment?


The program does not replace any existing programs or treatment. In fact, the classes enhance those provided through accredited programs often provided in hospital settings. Treatment is not altered. For medical questions, participants are referred to their physicians. If the content of the course conflicts with instructions they receive elsewhere, they are advised to follow their physician’s orders and discuss discrepancies with the doctor.


What can I expect from the class?


The Diabetes Self-Management Program was written and researched by Stanford University and is now part of the Self Management Resource Center. The Diabetes Self-Management Program was originally written in Spanish for a research project funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research. The study was completed in 2007. Results demonstrated improved health status, health behavior, and self-efficacy, as well as fewer emergency room visits. A new study was conducted in 2015 with the following outcomes:


Reduced hemoglobin A1C

Increased engagement in healthy behaviors (i.e., exercise and cognitive symptom management techniques)

Positive changes in health status (less pain, fatigue, worry, and less health distress)

Increased self-efficacy

Better communication with healthcare providers

Fewer visits to physicians and emergency rooms


Details of the program


The Diabetes Self-Management Program is based on the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) originally developed at the Stanford University Patient Education Research Center. Different subject matters are taught over the course of six weekly, 2 ½ hour sessions all focused to help each participant manage their diabetes. This program covers both the physical aspect of managing diabetes as well as the emotional aspect.


Caregivers and support people are welcome at the workshops and are encouraged to participate as well. Workshops are led by two trained lay leaders and are held virtually or in community settings (libraries, community centers, churches, housing units, etc.) for 10-16 individuals. Textbooks are provided for each participant to use as a resource throughout the workshop (voluntary donations are accepted, up to $25 – the cost of the book and relaxation CD).


Participants are encouraged to attend all six sessions. Each session builds upon the previous session. Participants enjoy sharing experiences and provide mutual support to each other. The content of this program is based on focus groups with diabetes educators and people with diabetes and meets the content standards of both the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Diabetes Educators.


Call 410-386-3800 or email LivingHealthy@carrollcountymd.gov for more information!
