Maryland CSEGS Pilot Program

The Maryland General Assembly passed legislation (Senate Bill 398/House Bill 1087) in 2015 to allow community solar projects (known as “community solar energy generating systems” or CSEGS) as part of a pilot study, which currently ends in 2024.  Among other things, the State’s community solar pilot program is intended to increase access to solar energy, particularly for residents and small businesses.

Maryland Public Service Commission

The Maryland Public Service Commission has adopted regulations for a community solar pilot program in Maryland, with an emphasis on providing renewable energy benefits for low- and moderate-income customers.

Individual community solar projects will be operated by subscriber organizations (which can include utilities, retail electricity suppliers, solar developers, etc.) that are approved by the Public Service Commission and the electric company serving the location of each project.

Relevant Statutes and Regulations: PUA §;7-306; COMAR 20.50.10