On October 12, 2022, beginning at 10:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, the Board of License
Commissioners will meet to discuss in open session any pending or new business in the Reagan Room
(Rm. 003/004) of the Carroll County Office Building, 225 North Center Street, Westminster, Maryland
10:00 a.m. Case 6415, A Class B – Beer, Wine and Liquor license issued to Daniel Schulman and
Bhavin Patel for the use of Accurate2, LLC, t/a Kinara Indian Cuisine, 5957 Exchange
Drive, Eldersburg, Maryland 21784 – Violation Hearing (Failure to abide by Rules 22, 26,
35 and 52 of the Rules & Regulations of the Carroll County Board of License
10:45 a.m. Case 6416, An application to replace the resident licensee, Mark Jarema, with Faith A.
Breno for a Class BC – Beer, Wine, and Liquor license with catering to be issued to Faith
A. Breno for the use of J & P Pizza Liberty Road, LLC, t/a VCP (Vanessa’s Corner Pub),
2600 West Liberty Road, Westminster, Maryland 21157 in Election District 9.
11:30 a.m. Case 6417, An application for the transfer of a Class A – Beer, Wine, and Liquor license to
be issued to Benny R. Kirkner and Mithilesh Patel for the use of HR Ventures, LLC, t/a
Total Discount Liquors, 1438 Liberty Road, Suite 10, Eldersburg, Maryland 21784 in
Election District 5.
