Comprehensive Planning
The Bureau of Comprehensive Planning is responsible for developing and implementing the County Master Plan and supporting documents as envisioned by the citizens of Carroll County. Functions within the Bureau are designed to ensure County projects and programs conform with the County Master Plan, that current and long-range planning serves to implement the Plan, and that land use and policy decisions are in accordance with the Plan. These activities include water and sewer master planning, coordination with the incorporated municipalities within the County, and transportation planning.
The Bureau additionally provides support for the meetings and activities of the Planning and Zoning Commission which is the appointed Board responsible for County compliance with the Land Use Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are coordinated by the Deputy Director of the Department of Planning & Land Management, who is Secretary to the Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission provides subject matter knowledge related to proposed legislative changes to land use codes, provides guidance in the development of comprehensive planning documents, and evaluates the consistency of development projects with the tenets of the County Master Plan.”
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting February 18, 2025
February18| 9:00 AM -
Carroll County Master Plan Open House - Taneytown
February19Taneytown Branch Library (10 Grand Dr, Taneytown) | 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM -
Carroll County Master Plan Open House- North Carroll
February27North Carroll Branch Library (2255 Hanover Pike, Hampstead) | 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM -
Carroll County Master Plan Open House - Eldersburg
March6Eldersburg Branch Library (6400 W Hemlock Dr Ste 1, Eldersburg) | 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM