Senior Medicare Patrol

Maryland SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) of Carroll County is an anti-health care fraud project administered by the Carroll County Bureau of Aging & Disabilities, Maryland Department of Aging through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Administration on Aging. The mission of Maryland SMP is to develop a program that enlists senior volunteers in Carroll County to teach Medicare and Medicaid clients how to recognize and report health care fraud, waste, abuse, or error.
What is Health Care Fraud?
Every year, health care fraud, waste, abuse and error results in the loss of billions of senior and taxpayer dollars. Examples include:
- Giving false or misleading information that benefits the health provider or service but increases consumer costs.
- Billing for Medicare or Medicaid services, medicine, equipment or supplies not prescribed, not provided or not needed.
- Offering cash, free services, or gift rewards to influence use of a particular doctor, insurance plan, HMO, home health agency, nursing home or other medical services.
- Providing care or service that is below accepted standards.
- Stopping insurance coverage or ending services without prior notice or reasonable cause
CLICK HERE for Video on Medical Identity Theft
Services Available Through Carroll County SMP Include:
- Maryland Trained SMP volunteers in Carroll County, who provide free, confidential assistance to senior Medicare and Medicaid consumers to help them learn about, identify and report health care fraud, waste, abuse or error.
- Individual counseling available in person or by phone.
- Home counseling visits for Medicare beneficiaries who are physically unable to visit a Maryland SMP of Carroll County service site.
- Community educational meetings to involve more seniors in the fight against health care fraud, waste, abuse or error.
- Access to information and services through an Internet Web site.
Remember: most health care professionals are honest, trustworthy, and responsible. The goal of this initiative is to weed out the few health care providers who operate with the intention of using Medicare and Medicaid as a pipeline to personal profit. The effort to prevent and detect health care fraud is a cooperative one that involves EVERYONE:
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Administration on Aging (AoA).
- Providers of services and durable medical equipment regional carriers.
- Federal, state and local agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General(HHS-OIG), the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI), the Department of Justice(DOJ), Office of the Attorney General(OAG), Department of Health and Mental Hygiene(DHMH), Area Agencies on Aging(AAA), and the local Sheriff Offices.
- Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries — this means YOU!
How Can You Help?
- Report suspected cases of fraud to Maryland SMP.
- Participate in Maryland SMP counseling and educational services.
- Become a Maryland SMP Volunteer in Carroll County
For more information or to report suspected cases of fraud, waste, abuse or error, please call Carroll County Bureau of Aging & Disabilities at 410-386-3800.
Protect your Medicare and Medicaid information.
Detect billing errors. Report potential health care fraud, waste, abuse or error.
Carroll County Bureau of Aging & Disabilities
125 Stoner Avenue, Westminster, MD 21157
410-386-3800; Maryland Relay Service 711/800-735-2258
Fax 410-840-0436