Maryland law requires a Financial Assurance Plan (FAP) to be submitted to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) every two years. The FAP indicates how stormwater runoff will be treated and paid for over the next five years. Each jurisdiction must be able to show the financial ability to pay for restoration practices over the next two years.

The local jurisdiction must hold a public hearing and approve the FAP before submitting it to MDE for evaluation. MDE has 90 days to determine if funding is sufficient. MDE must report to the Governor and General Assembly annually on the status of each jurisdiction's funding. Additional penalties have been established (on top of the penalties that MDE and EPA may already assess for non-compliance with the permit) for jurisdictions not found to have adequate funding. The first report was due by July 1, 2016. See below for reports submitted to date.

Maryland law also requires each MS4 jurisdiction to submit a Watershed Protection and Restoration Program (WPRP) Annual Report. See below for reports submitted to date.