Various active (physical) and passive (non-physical) methods are used to address traffic calming. Before deciding on the method, internal and external education is needed to make the neighborhood residents aware of the issues regarding speeding along their streets and remind them of the importance of driving safely through their neighborhoods. While internal education targets the immediate neighborhood, external education targets the larger community.
Traffic calming solutions generally consist of three different approaches, including education, enforcement, and engineering.

1. Education

Education measures may include community awareness meetings, neighborhood newsletters, and/or brochures. Education may also include the Speed Awareness Program. The Speed Awareness Program is an educational measure designed to increase motorists’ perception of the speed at which they travel on neighborhood streets and to provide residents a positive outlet to show that their concerns are being addressed regarding speeding in their neighborhood. The program consists of a speed monitoring awareness radar trailer (SMART) and the speed awareness signs. These devices include a radar unit, a speed limit sign, and a digital speed display board, which shows motorists the speed at which they are driving.

2. Enforcement
Law enforcement is the traditional means of addressing speeding problems. The Maryland State Police, the Carroll County Sheriff's Office, and municipal police departments will monitor and enforce the speed limits.

3. Engineering
Engineering solutions consist of volume control measures and speed control measures. The following is a list of commonly used traffic calming measures that may be considered. The application of any measures or combination of measures will be site specific and will consider potential impacts. The County may use any of the following measures, or other measures, at its discretion. Sketches of the specific devices are found in Appendix 3.