Chapter 170 of the Code of Public Local Laws and Ordinances of Carroll County contains applicable amendments to the county’s adopted building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, accessibility, and fire codes. You will also find a list of the codes enforced in the county, some adopted with amendments and some without as mandated by state law. New codes were adopted by the Board of County Commissioner and took effect on January 1, 2024. All permit applications received should be designed according to the codes listed in §170.01 and all amendments listed in Chapter 170 of the Code of Public Local Laws and Ordinances of Carroll County.

Free view of ICC codes available at International Code Council. Refer to Chapter 170 for specifically adopted ICC codes.

Free view of NFPA codes available at Refer to the Maryland State Fire Code for adopted NFPA codes and amendments. 

If you have any questions about compliance with codes, please call the Bureau of Permits and Inspections at 410-386-2674.