FY2025 Budget Adopted

Westminster, MD, Thursday, May 23, 2024 – Today, during Open Session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners adopted the FY2025 budget which begins July 1, 2024. The budget is focused on education, safety, and security of the community. The adopted FY2025 Budget will be available for public viewing on the county’s website as soon as possible. All information in this adopted budget is final.
The $545.0 million General Fund, which authorizes day-to-day expenses, sees an increase of $2.2 million, or 0.4% from FY2024. The budget does not include any property tax rate increase for FY2025. The budget includes increases to the county’s Recordation Rate fee from $5.00/$500 to $6.50/$500 ($1.50/$500 increase). The Recordation Rate was last increased in FY2003. The budget ordinance also includes fee increases for utilities.
The board also agreed to review the county’s updated revenue reports regularly throughout the year to determine whether other revenues are higher than anticipated, and if so, then the board may consider reducing the Recordation Rate.
The county’s FY 25 operating budget is funded 48% from property tax, 37% from income tax, and 3% from recordation, with the remainder supported by other revenue sources including building permits, 911 service fees, investment income and others.
Open Session meetings are available for viewing on the county meeting portal and the county YouTube channel. In addition, all meetings will be replayed on Comcast Channel 24. The entire library of budget discussions is also available on the county budget website.